Employee Communications

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!!

It is critical that employees understand the value and purpose of security awareness training before they ever receive a training assignment. As security awareness training programmes continue, employees should remain clear on what is happening, why it’s happening, and how they fit in.

Below are a couple of pre-programme templates we have designed for you to help create a pre-launch buzz around your upcoming Cyber Security Awareness programme. This will help drive engagement and participation in assigned training.

Subject: Cyber Security Awareness Programme

Dear Colleagues,

On {Programme Launch Date}, we officially launched our annual Cyber Security Awareness Programme: Be the Shield.

One of the main objectives of this programme is to build a strong awareness culture across our organisation to help all employees, and our company, avoid becoming a victim of cyber crime. The dedicated training platform includes security awareness material and simulated phishing tests.

We will be assigning awareness training modules to employees and you can expect to receive notification emails from app@goldphish.com with a link to the external platform. Please use your company email address to connect to the platform. You can also access the platform from any personal device by entering your login credentials.

As part of this programme, we will be launching simulated phishing tests against different departments on a regular basis, so please remain vigilant for these and report them immediately to our Information Security Team on {Contact Number}.

Thank you for your support in keeping our organisation secure, we hope you enjoy the training!

Information Security Team

You can also hang up posters from the 'Downloads' tab.

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