Training Campaign Reporting

To reach the training report options, navigate to the ' Training' section, select the 'Campaigns' tab and click the campaign you want results and data for.

Alternatively, navigate to the ' Dashboard' section and the 'My Company' tab. 

Campaign Overview Dashboard

The Campaign Overview shows you a training progress overview with percentages for:

  • Completed: The number of Learners that have completed ALL of their assigned training in a particular campaign.
  • In Progress: The number of Learners that have started assigned training in a particular campaign.
  • Not Started: The number of Learners that have not yet started ANY assigned training in a particular campaign. 

Average Training Progress is an average Completion Rate across all training campaigns. This is displayed on the 'My Company' dashboard. 

Average Score is an average quiz scoring across all training modules in all training campaigns. This is displayed on the 'My Company' dashboard. 

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