How to Create a Training Campaign

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on creating and managing effective security awareness training campaigns using our platform. Building a strong security culture within your organization is crucial, and our user-friendly platform allows you to easily design engaging campaigns throughout the year.

Why Continuous Training?

Rather than a single large campaign once a year, we recommend scheduling training campaigns throughout the year to maintain top-of-mind security awareness among your employees. Consistent engagement ensures a deeper understanding and integration of security practices into daily routines.

To Get Started - Follow these 5 easy steps.

1. Create Campaign

Navigate to the 'Training' section, select the top 'Campaigns' tab, and click the 'Create Campaign' button in the top right corner.

Step 2. Select the Training Content

Scroll through our library of world-class training content, ranging from interactive eLearning modules to short animation videos. 'Select' the pieces of content that best suit your campaign objectives.

Step3. Choose your Recipients

Select the learners that will be included in your campaign. You can target 'Everyone' in your training program, Specific Departments, or Specific Learners.

If selecting 'Everyone' or a 'Department' for a scheduled campaign, any new learners added to the platform before the campaign end date will be automatically included and receive a training notification upon joining. It's important to note that they won't be automatically added to existing or past campaigns.

Step 4. Set a Schedule

After selecting content and audience, decide when to launch your campaign. Use the dropdown menu to schedule your desired date and duration, whether it's a few days, weeks, months, or a custom date in the future. Once decided, navigate to the top right, and click 'Start Campaign' to proceed.

Step 5. Confirmation and Launch

Before launching, review your selections. Create a Campaign Name and Description for your records. Set Training Reminders for learners yet to complete their training. Review content, audience, and launch date. Make any necessary edits and click 'Start Campaign' when you're ready.

NOTE: the 'Campaign' will not launch unless all steps have been correctly completed. However, the unfinished campaign template will be saved as 'Draft'.

Post-Launch Notifications

Once your campaign goes live, you will receive an email notification on the launch date. After completion, another email will provide a link to review the campaign results in the admin platform.

First-time learners will receive two emails from - an onboarding 'welcome' email' with their Username and a 'Set Password' link, and a 'New Training Notification' email, informing them of assigned training by their manager.

To preview the email notification templates, go to the 'Settings' section and select the 'System Emails' tab.

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